As we continue practicing social distancing in the wake of COVID-19, it’s likely we are experiencing an increase in anxiety, boredom, sadness and frustration. Nothing about our current global situation is settling right now, and it’s ok to name that.

Avoiding anxiety and emotions tied up with this pandemic is not helpful, but neither is dwelling on worst case scenarios and planning for the absolute worst outcomes. So, what can we do with how we feel? Check out this infographic for some ideas on how to increase your sense of balance and mental wellness as we continue to practice social distancing.

Mental Wellness With Social Distancing

Information is power, but checking media outlets can become consuming and lead to increased anxiety. This can happen even when we are seeking information in an effort to lower anxiety. What’s the trick then? I recommend checking the news no more than two times per day. Here are some resources to look at when you do want to stay on top of what is going on:


If you are feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and worry, and regardless of what you try you can’t find relief, there are many mental health professionals here to help.

Simply because most therapists are practicing social distancing themselves, it does not mean therapy isn’t an option right now. Most of us have a HIPAA compliant telehealth platform we are working with for video and/or phone sessions. Please email me if you are looking for additional resources. You are not alone, and we are in this together.