What We Treat



Every person is multifaceted and we adapt the approaches to fit the needs of those coming to work with us. Having a space to go to talk through concerns and stressors is something that everyone can benefit from, especially if those stressors are major barriers to living a fulfilling life.

We specialize in treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). If you have repetitive intrusive, unwanted, thoughts and urges that are followed by compulsive actions, you are not alone. Anxiety and distress are very high for individuals with OCD and the resulting compulsions are in the service of lowering that distress. Unfortunately, compulsions/ rituals tend to have the opposite effect and increase anxiety over time. There are many kinds of OCD, but it is ultimately defined by a consistent sense of doubt and difficulty tolerating uncertainty. With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure Response Prevention, change is possible and probable. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is another diagnosis that many individuals struggle with. We live in a world where anxiety is not uncommon and the amount of stress we feel day to day can vary greatly. We look at Anxiety as a spectrum because we all are forced to multitask regularly with emailing, phone calls, text messages, social media notifications, and the list goes on.

That multitasking can lead us to focus only on the future and live outside of what is happening in the present moment. Constantly looking ahead instead of staying present perpetuates anxiety and can lead to feeling completely overwhelmed. With all of that being said worry and stress, while common, can become more manageable with tool building and counseling support. Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks are issues commonly seen at Limitless as well. Panic attacks are extremely uncomfortable and often terrifying for individuals who experience them. Whether you have had one or many, we can work through effective techniques to decrease the frequency of panic attacks and increase tolerance to symptoms associated with it. 

Working with new parents is another passion of ours. Perinatal Mood Disorders & Postpartum Diagnoses can disrupt personal functioning and your relationships. There are many concerns that can come up during and after pregnancy that are very normal, and at times can become clinical. Have a space to talk through the incredible transition through conception, fertility issues, pregnancy loss, pregnancy, labor and delivery and parenthood can be very impactful as you navigate all that can come with choosing to expand your family. While we work with individuals navigating many aspects of pregnancy and parenthood, We have specialized training in treating Postpartum Anxiety and OCD. Many women, and men, experience high anxiety and hypervigilance when they become parents, to the point where they may meet criteria for OCD. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel you could use some support. Parents, you are welcome to bring your child to sessions, if needed, or to meet through our telehealth platform.

Specific phobias and fears are another area of focus at Limitless. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • Situations (e.g., driving, flying, elevators, and enclosed places)
  • Natural Environment (e.g., heights, storms, natural disasters, tornados and water)
  • Certain Animals and insects (e.g., dogs, cats, spiders, insects, bees, rats, birds, and snakes)
  • Other (e.g., choking or vomiting, loud noises, clowns etc)

Last, and certainly not least, we work with individuals who struggle with Trichotillomania (hair pulling), social anxiety, Depression, Seasonal Affective disorder & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


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(708) 831-2417



Mailing Address

920 Curtiss St #935
Downers Grove, IL 60515



Monday- Thursday

By Appointment