Chicago, Illinois

Online OCD Therapy in Chicago

OCD is defined as recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses that are experienced as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause anxiety or distress. Begin OCD Therapy in Chicago at Limitless Counseling for specialized help.

Image of an artistic design. Dealing with the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be difficult, you may find yourself asking, "How do I find an Online OCD Therapist near me in Chicago?" Our Online OCD Treatment in Chicago, Illinois can help you take the steps to coping with your symptoms!

Online OCD Therapy in Chicago, Illinois 

As an OCD specialist with over a decade of being a mental health professional, Abigail Lynch, LCPC is equipped and prepared to help you as an individual. As a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and founder of Limitless Counseling Center, she helps people through Online OCD therapy in Chicago, IL overcome their struggles, frustrations, and anxiety.

You may notice:

1. Getting stuck on certain thoughts or patterns of thinking.

2. Wanting to experience a “just right” feeling and going to many lengths, no matter how disruptive to achieve that.
3. Engaging in certain behaviors (mentally or physically) that you feel compelled to do and don’t feel like you have much control over whether you do them or not.
4. Difficulty concentrating when you feel anxious or are around triggers that cause cycles of stuck thoughts and resulting compulsive behaviors.

5. Avoidance of people, places, things and situations that these thoughts have or could come up around.

6. Your distress leads you to stop engaging in things you care about and value.
Image of someone perfectly aligning office supplies. The symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be difficult to handle. At Chicago Counseling and Therapy Center, we can help you take the steps to coping with the symptoms and learn how to cope with them in a healthy way.

OCD Treatment Plan

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In weekly sessions with Abigail, she likes to say that “I am not a robot to my clients in that if other pressing needs come up we certainly can talk about those as well. While I do evidence based treatment work, I also want to provide space and time to process other emotional needs clients have.”  

Each weekly session lasts about 50 minutes and starts with a brief check in about symptom intensity and frequency between sessions. She always asks what the client wants to prioritize that day and does her best to help clients get to each item. Then you may do an in session exposure or simply continue problem solving around exposures clients completed outside of session.

At the end of sessions, she assists clients with goal setting so they have something to focus on during the following week. That way your progress does not end when you leave the office and you can reach your goals more quickly.

Exposure Therapy for OCD in Chicago

Abigail Lynch, LCPC is professionally trained to approach OCD with exposure response prevention techniques while using cognitive behavioral therapy.

Upon intake she has all clients complete a variety of assessments. After analysis, clients in her care first get a better understanding of their symptoms during the initial sessions and share their primary concerns with her. Then we move forward to gradually approach your fears so as to better tolerate discomfort.

The other important thing we work on is resisting engaging in behaviors that anxiety dictates “we must” do to feel “better” or “fix our feelings.” For example, if someone comes to Abigail with the idea that they “have to” wash their hands a specific way, we will test that theory by gradually changing the hand washing routine and gaining confidence that it’s possible to resist excessive decontamination behavior. 

What to expect after treatment:

1. You can have anxious thoughts and experience triggers with more ease.
2. The ability to say “maybe maybe not” to your worst fears becomes possible and you actually believe it!
3. You are able to delay or completely resist your compulsive urges when you are triggered.
4. You can make decisions based on what you value versus what your anxiety and OCD is telling you is most important.
5. You will notice the ability to believe that discomfort is not dangerous and that you can be uncomfortable and still live a fulfilling life.

Image of stairs representing the slow but steady climb Online OCD Therapy in Chicago, Illinois provides when clients make the effort to ask, "where is the best online therapy near me in Chicago, Illinois for OCD treatment?". Find healing help here, we love to see you succeed!

Online OCD Therapy in Chicago, IL can help you!

We are currently taking clients that are 18 years old or older, have extreme difficulty managing their anxiety, have general dysfunction because of the compulsions in reaction to worry and/or have worries that often take up anywhere from 1 hour of their day to their entire day regardless of efforts to reduce their discomfort.

1. Read more about us to discover if we are best fit for you.
2. Schedule an appointment.
3. Start living your best life!

Other Services:
Limitless Counseling Center has a variety of specialty services catered to your needs. In addition to our online OCD therapy in Chicago, IL, we also provide online therapy for panic disorder, generalized anxiety, social anxiety or phobias as well as perinatal and postpartum OCD and anxiety

Get In Touch


(708) 831-2417


Mailing Address

920 Curtiss St #935
Downers Grove, IL 60515



Monday- Thursday

By Appointment